
Archive for January 5th, 2014

January 5, 2014

It’s still the 5th of January for a while longer.  I measured the snow with my yardstick during the late afternoon, and the snow measured 18″ on my deck.  I cannot get my back door open because of the snow so i have to let the dogs out the front door in order to go potty.  Mosie will go out but Annie won’t so I have the puppy pad out for her and she has used it.  I am sure my brother’s dog will go potty in the house and I will have to clean it up.

I have been napping most of the day but I guess my body has been needing the rest, and I’m still trying to fall asleep.

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January 4, 2014

My little Annie is enjoying her new bed, but Mosie is still a Momma’s boy and has to be in my lap, although he wouldn’t lay down until he had some treats!  It’s after midnight and I am just now getting to put my  jammies on and sit down to relax.  I’ve been on the go basically all night last night and all day today and this evening.  I was up most of the night moving stuff in the kitchen so that the painter will be able to paint in there when he comes back.

Then helped my daughter move  from the house she and her brother lived in to the mobile home they now live in.  Needed to go to hFestus and Herculaneum this afternoon, but didn’t get there.  I had got home about 4:30 and fell asleep in my recliner and woke up about two hours later when my son and grand kids came by.  He had tried calling but I was so tired I just couldn’t seem to get the phone.

After they left, I got in touch with the lady who was going to take the two cats that my daughter-in-law didn’t want and my son could no longer keep them.  I drove out to Eureka to meet her, and had to donate some money to get her to take them, but the dats would be put into foster homes until they were adopted.  I stopped at the grocery store on the way back home to get some chocolate milk, even though my counselor said I shouldn’t drink it because of my diabetes, and I can’t seem to drink just a glass here and there, but will keep drinking it until it’s gone.  I had stopped at Deal’s on the way to take the cats and bought both Annie and Mosie new beds because I had tried to wash their’s and they fell apart in the washer.

Speaking of chocolate milk, I thinking I will go drink a glass and then get back into the recliner, check out Facebook and then try to go to sleep.  Good night for now.

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