
Archive for November 26th, 2011

November 26, 2011

I was listening to the weather while ago and there is talk about some light snow tomorrow night or Monday.  It’s supposed to be around 38 degrees tomorrow, so there goes the idea of trying to go to a flea market, too cold to walk around.  It’s almost 10:00 and I’m doing laundry, trying to get caught up, don’t know if I will get it finished or not, if I do, I’ll have to be up pretty late, but I slept quite a while late this afternoon so I should be ok.

I was talking to someone this evening and the subject of my son’s funeral came up and their opinion was the same as mine, I have never been to a funeral that was handled so badly, not by the funeral home, but the service itself.  It was the worst funeral I have ever attended, and it was my son’s.  If it were to be done over again, I would change pretty much everything about it.  It was a disaster so my memory of my son’s funeral is very negative and unhappy, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

I did a little blogging last night for the first time for a few days, and I was amazed and very excited to learn I have a follower in Canada!  What a delight for me.  You just never know where your blogging will go.

I did some work today at my second job and then I went to Petsmart and bought a new harness for my two dogs, because I want to get started taking them on walks with me.  I happened to be looking at them and a lady came up and started talking to me, and I found out it was one of the trainers of their classes for dogs and I learned a lot from her in just a short time.  I am hoping maybe by spring to get these two into dog obedience classes.  I stopped at McDonald’s and treated myself to a late lunch, and as I was eating I realized I wasn’t feeling very well and found out my sugar was dropping too low.  When I got home, I was exhausted and took a nap.  When I woke up I didn’t know if this was still Saturday or if it was Sunday and it was dark outside.

I have been continuing to try to alternate feet when I come up the stairs at my house, it’s slow but I can do it now, and it will get better.  I tried the exercise bike again tonight and was able to do quite a while of just ‘half turns’, I know I cannot do the full turn of the pedal yet because my knee is too stiff and sore to bend that much, but I thought maybe if I can do what is comfortable then it will gradually become more and  more.  I was happy with what I had been able to do.

They are talking on the news right now about the Mall of the Americas, and it brings back the reminder to me that I had planned to be able to go there sometime with a good friend of mine, but that trip will no longer be taken, and it’s disappointing to me, but, I’ve had a lot of disappointments in my life the last few years, and that is definitely not the worst one.

I have my last load of clothes in the washer right now that has to be done, so I will be up for a while and will probably watch line dancing on TV pretty soon as I wait for them to get done.  closing for now, countrygirl29

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November 25, 2011

Hi Everyone, I have had a couple of people getting word to me asking where I was.  Well, I know I said if you didn’t hear from me for a few days that I was going to go to the country to visit my brother.  I didn’t go.  Wanted to, but with recovering from my knee surgery, I really wasn’t able to, so I just kind of slid out of sight for a while.  I am sure people are tired of hearing about me being depressed, so I just didn’t write.  I am alive, and am still in quite a bit of pain from my knee surgery, but the surgeon said I would be because once he got into my knee, it took him quite a while to clean it up, it was in such bad shape.  I’ve done very little these last couple of days, since I’m off from my full-time job.  Since I have time to sit and think, which is bad, and this time of year, too.  I put in a request from church asking for some assistance with food for the holidays, the request was probably too late for Thanksgiving, and don’t know if I will get any help for Christmas or not.  I’ve been worrying about Christmas and gifts, especially for my grandkids, well, and for my kids, too, I now only have three of them to buy for.  I’m not talking lots of gifts, even if I could just give each of them a nice gift, and I’m not talking hundreds of dollars on each of them either.  I was even trying to think of something I could make to give to them, but I don’t have much time to make anything, and my leg keeps me from doing much, too. 

Flea markets have become a family tradition between my son, daughter-in-law and their two children this time of year, and I still want to go, but just won’t have anything to spend when I go.  There is one in Illinois that is only open the third weekend of each month and I am not sure where it is and if it is still open, and I cannot remember who told me about it.  When I try to pull it up on the internet, the page won’t come up.  We have never been to it and I’d really like to go see what it’s like.  Kaylee and Nathan love going to the flea markets, I guess like my kids always loved going when they were growing up.  My daughter-in-law had never been to one until we went one fall and ever since then it has been our tradition to go each year before Christmas.  I’ve heard the one in Pevely has shut down. People may say not to worry about gifts for anyone, and that’s really easy to say as long as you’re not the person having to stop giving anything at Christmas, and you’re not the one having to stop giving your grandkids anything.  It hurts! 

I did get some good news from my diabetes specialist at my last checkup, my A1C is now 6.3 and my sugar is staying under control so I don’t have to go back to see him for a year unless I start having trouble again.  I am still on the insulin pump, but I do not have to give any extra insulin.  Instead of a vial of insulin lasting three days, it now last for a week. I really wonder if I could do without the insulin now that I am eating better and the sugar is under control and I still take the Metformin.

I have a lot of laundry to get caught up on because I haven’t wanted to carry it up and down the stairs, but I have to get it done.  I actually came up the steps this evening by alternating feet, it was sore, and as long as I took it slow, I could lift my let high enough to do it.  That was a real accomplishment for me.

There is some kind of ‘comfy carrier’ type of dog harness I have seen advertised and would like to try to get for my dogs, it keeps the collar from pulling so hard on their throats and I want to be able to start taking them on walks with me.  The doctor is wanting me to walk and use an exercise bike and when I go back in four weeks we will decide whether I have to have physical therapy or not, and I am guessing that I will.

Yes, it really is almost three in the morning.  I guess the vicadin is no longer making me sleepy like it did the first couple of days that I was on it.  It does help with the pain though.  I’m just not sleepy right now.  I will go in to work at my second job later and do some scanning.  I have done everything that I can from home now so the rest of it I will have to go in to do.

They are going to be doing a Secret Santa again at work this year and I just don’t feel like participating in it if I can’t buy my own family anything.  I’ll probably take my acrylic nails off before long, I really l ike them, but at the same time, they really are not me and I don’t have the extra money each month to keep them up.  I am simpler than that, just a country girl.  My brother is back into the mode that even though he doesn’t want to, he is probably going to have to come and live with me, he just is not able to make it on his own, and with the small amount of income that he has, no one could make it on that.  I guess I need to find another book to read on soon, since I am not doing as much writing, I have been trying to read during my lunch time.  I’d like to figure out what kind of candy I want to make for Christmas, and cookies, too, if I can get myself motivated to do so, but that also takes money to buy the things I need for them.  I guess with having two funerals to pay for and car payments again, I am just really dragging the bottom of the money barrel just to keep things going.  At one time there was talk about doing some kind of benefit to help with the funerals, but nothing ever came of it.

Sorry to be so down and negative, but I figured I had better write and let people know that I am still alive.  Things fell through on the last house my youngest daughter was trying to buy and there just hasn’t been anything more. 

Rebecca took a quick photo tonight and emailed it to me from her phone, and told me Jeff was with us today, the jet trails made crosses in the sky.  I’m going to attach it,as I have not been taking any pictures lately.  Closing out for now, and going to try to sleep in the recliner, I haven’t been able to sleep in bed since the surgery on the ninth, so have been in the recliner both day and night.  countrygirl29

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