
Archive for November 7th, 2011

November 7, 2011

Just doing a little journaling tonight, I didn’t work my second job tonight, so came straight home and fell asleep by 5:30 and woke up at 10, so will probably be awake for a while, but I can get caught up with my daily writing.  Between the last two weekends, my middle son was able to get my carpet shampooed, and yesterday, my youngest daughter and I were able to get the kitchen cleaned up and she mopped the floor, so, I guess I have everything done that I wanted to get done before my surgery.  I picked up the mop a couple of times yesterday and was reprimanded by Rebecca, and she said she was not going to get on her hands and knees to mop the floor this time because her back was hurting since work and I told her that was ok, she didn’t have to get on her knees to get it clean, the mop was fine and she started laughing and asking then what was all the making us kids get on our hands and knees to mop the floor when we were growing up.  I told her it was so they would know how to mop the floor when they grew up if they didn’t have a mop.  (Actually, it was  probably their punishment for something, I don’t remember them being on their hands and knees though!)  When she would take the mop away from me, she would tell me she was the mother and she had to show me how mopping the floor was done, and especially if there was something a little dried on the floor.  Every now and then, she would say, “Now, Becca, this is the way it’s done, see?” and we would both start laughing.  I finally gave up and sat in the recliner while she finished.

Earlier yesterday, she was going to water some plants for me, and picked up the first thing she could find to put some water in, and it happened to be a clean blender jar.  She was filling it up and then told Mosie to quit licking her feet and then she remembered she had socks on, so she looked down at her feet, and saw watering pouring onto them, and then realized the blender jar didn’t have the bottom on it, so the water was just going straight through and into the sink and floor.  She started laughing before I knew what had happened and then when I saw it, we both stood there laughing and she told me ‘there’s another one for your book’.  I guess that goes into the same book as the blinker fluid, and all the other little strange things she has said and done.  When she was getting ready to take her driver’s test, she had been studying the  manual and went outside to where her brother and a friend of his were playing basketball and she told them she thought she was ready for the written part of the driver’s test.  They told her one of the questions that would be on the test was asking about the blinker fluid and she told them she didn’t remember reading about that.  They told her what page it was on and she went running into the house and read that page and came out and said she didn’t find it on that page, and they said, oh, did we say that page, we meant, and they gave another page number.  They did this several times and then told her to go to WalMart and ask in the automotive section about getting some blinker fluid and off she went with a friend of hers.  The sales person looked at her kind of funny and then told her he thought someone was playing a joke on her.  She came back home and started laughing with the guys about it!  We still get a laugh about this everytime we think about it.

Yesterday I realized I was supposed to have had an EKG and some blood work before my surgery on Wednesday, and I started to worry about it and then I read there was no appointment needed, but it had to be done at St. Anthony’s.  I decided I would just go there before work today and be a little late.  Well, I called about 6:30 this morning and someone answered and told me what to do, and they were already open, and since I was ready for work except for my makeup, I grabbed my makeup and threw it into my purse and headed out the door for the testing.  The lady who did my ekg and I started talking and I found out she had lost her son to heroin about two years ago, so we chatted awhile during the test.  When I got through with the tests, and got to work, I had fifteen minutes before time to start work, so I slipped into the rest room and put on my makeup and then went to my desk and just relaxed for a few minutes.  I was told the doctor would have the blood test results in about two hours and the EKG results, by tomorrow, at the latest.  However, I called the surgery center and let them know I had done the tests so they could be looking for the results.

I was exhausted when I got home from work tonight, I guess it was a combination of being worn out from the pain in my leg and the time change. I went to the refrigerator a few minutes ago and got out two little Clementine oranges to eat and share with my dogs.  It was so funny, when the dogs saw what I had, they got on my lap  just as close to the bowl I was putting the skin in as I took it off the orange.  Annie was keeping an eye on Mosie so he didn’t get too close and he was keeping an eye on her so that she didn’t get too close.  Then, I looked at Mosie and he was standing there licking his mouth several times.  I only get two-thirds of an orange, because I have to split it with the two dogs, they each get a section and then I get a section.

When we got through with the oranges, I put the bowl down and told them it wasall gone and they got down and I reached over for a pillow that was laying beside me and put it on my lap to make it easier to hold the laptop, but before I could get the computer onto the pillow, Mosie had crawled up on it and curled up into a ball and was trying to sleep.  I sat there for a little while and then finally lifted him off the pillow and he gave a low growl, but knew it was no use, I wanted the pillow, so he laid down beside me in the recliner, stretched out, and started taking his front paws and wiping his eyes, it looked like he was wiping tears away. Annie was not happy with him and she would look from him to me and back again several times.  I knew what the problem was, Mosie was now lying in the spot where she had been laying.  I knew what each one of the dogs wanted, so I took the pillow from my lap and laid it down on the couch and Mosie got up and climbed onto it and laid down and Annie curled up on the couch just as close to me as she could get, now they were both satisfied, and I was left with putting the laptop just on a quilt on my lap.

I found out yesterday that the mother of one of the ladies I eat dinner with every month had passed away Saturday.  I plan to go to the visitation at the funeral home but I am already dreading it, it is the same funeral home and the same room where Jeff’s funeral had been.  I’m already having flashbacks of my son lying there.  I need to go to show my support to my friend.

I think my babies (my dogs) are ready to go back to bed, and I think I am, too, since it’s a half hour past midnight and now the dogs have decided they need to go outside before we go to bed, which is good, unless they start barking.  So countrygirl29 is signing off, good night.

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