
Archive for June 1st, 2011

Tiring Days

Well, yesterday was my first day back to work after losing my son, and both yesterday and today have been very, very tiring on me.  I worked my second job last night, and had a dinner engagement with some friends from church, but replied to their face book comment that I just didn’t feel well today and was going to have to cancel.  I have not slept at all the last two nights and I just seem to be moving as a robot, except an unsteady robot that seems to lose her balance a lot and almost fall.  If someone from work does not take the two smaller dogs by Friday, then I will have to take them to my brother in the country.  Without Jeff, I just can’t take care of them.

This is going to be one of the shortest posts I have ever made, since I have not been able to sleep, I am actually getting really sleepy while I am sitting here trying to type.  I have to eat a few pork rinds, and then I am heading for bed.  Live life to the fullest while you can, countrygirl29  I apologize for any typos, too sleepy to proof it, so will have to do that later.

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