
Archive for August 5th, 2012

August 5, 2012

Hey, all, I’m back to do some writing, I didn’t really go anywhere, but just had to say that!  I hope to get back into writing more frequently again.  My brother’s birthday was Friday and I took him out to eat and then we just goofed around for a while.  Yesterday was my little Mosie’s birthday, he was four years old, and he’s sleeping beside me while I write, and Annie got upset and went to sleep on the couch for a while, because Mosie had her spot beside me!

I feel like I did quite a bit yesterday and last night, including doing some typing for my brother and filling out some forms on the internet and sending them out for him.  I did some laundry, helped a friend with some computer issues, worked my second job, cleaned up half of the living room, moved and fed Jeff’s turtle, Strider, or, we think it’s Striderette, did some shopping, lost the temporary crown that was put in on Wednesday, and, couldn’t go to sleep!!

I have been continuing with my exercise bike both morning and evening, but haven’t worked out in the pool this week, hope to get back into that this week.  My knee is still improving, but gets stiff for a few days and then gets better again, and I was told it would be that way for a few months yet.

I cut a watermelon earlier that I had bought a few days ago, and it was the best melon that we have had yet this year, and I actually picked it out!!

I really miss my van, and, one of these days, I am going to get another one!  The car is okay, but I miss my van.

This post has not been very long, but I am going to stop and switch purses, I just bought a new one and I want to switch things into it, because I need to quit carrying a purse with a shoulder strap, that’s not helping my shoulder pain, and I have been having a lot of neck and shoulder pain again.  I know that at least part of it is stress.  I wish I knew how to get rid of all the stressers in my life.  Oh well, countrygirl29 signing out.

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